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"Following the salmon’s mighty journey as it battles for the chance to produce the next generation, To The Journey’s End clearly demonstrates why this is such an iconic species. The film footage captures the hidden behaviors that are key to their success, and the dramatic shots also invokes a passion for Scotland’s rivers and environment and reminds us why we are so lucky to be part of this natural environment."
Dr Lorraine Hawkins – Manager - River Dee Trust -
“This is an inspirational film about the life of the Atlantic salmon; beautifully filmed in the north east of Scotland, it highlights many of the threats this iconic species faces in our rivers. Above all it is educational and a great resource that practitioners such as myself can use to inform future generations. The Spey Fishery Board were honoured to be able to help during the filming.”
Brian Shaw - Biologist - Spey Fishery Board & The Spey Foundation -
"To the Journey's End is an outstanding educational resource and it was our pleasure to assist Bernard during the film making process. This stunning film really shows how fascinating the life cycle of the Atlantic Salmon is and how important it is to conserve these fish for the future"
Richie Miller, BSc MIFM – Director - Deveron District Salmon Fishery Board and the Deveron, Bogie and Isla Rivers Charitable Trust -
"I am delighted to endorse this excellent production which will please all who have the welfare of wild Atlantic salmon at heart".
Richard Shelton – Author, 'To Sea and Back' and 'The Heroic Life of The Atlantic Salmon' - Research Fellow at the Scottish Fisheries Museum, lately Research Director of the Atlantic Salmon Trust and Head of the Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry.
"Bernard Martin’s stunning film uses state-of-the-art methods to take us through the Atlantic salmon life cycle, conveying with beautiful imagery the wonder of this iconic fish. Salmon face challenging times following decades of decline. Bernards film engages with audiences to engender the care and understanding needed to help ensure a bright future for the magnificent Atlantic salmon. I strongly commend the film and encourage others to share the experience."
John Armstrong - Marine Scotland Science
“OHFT are very grateful to have such a significant teaching resource in the form of To the journey’s end. The film has already been shared with local schools in Stornoway to help improve the students understanding of the salmons life cycle. The film does an excellent job of promoting interest in wild fisheries but also in highlighting some of the issues our wild Atlantic Salmon face”.
Paul Hopper – Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust -
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